Letters to the journal

This is a space for readers and contributors of Cuadernos de Lingüística to share comments on material published in the journal. It aims to foster dynamic and constructive dialogue on academic work, facilitate connections between researchers, and encourage the exchange of ideas. Authors and reviewers of the manuscripts are welcome to join the discussion at any time.

The journal encourages open and frank debate on published material, including potential flaws in arguments, discussions of additional or contradictory evidence, or the presentation of new perspectives on the topic in question. However, comments should maintain a civil and academic tone. It is the responsibility of those leaving a comment to avoid ad hominem remarks. The content must be relevant and substantial, going beyond mere expressions of opinion.

As long as norms of civility are met, comments will be published in this section. To contact the journal's editorial team, please email cuadernosdelinguistica@colmex.mx.

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